Thursday, July 30, 2009
The idea will be that people may not be able to make one of the two days and can go to the other. Enthusiasts can go to both. It may also rain on one of the days and so hopefully one of the days will be good to play.
See you on the court!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Open Source Home Group

I enjoyed the evening, which started off with Kathy and myself rushing to get there and stuffing ourselves with something to eat quickly for fear that the evening would end late and we would starve and we were going to be very late. Only to arrive and pizza was provided, also free so very Open Source indeed. (But I must add that Microsoft .Net User groups offer free beer and pizza too).
Although it was not an actual bible study, we studied the work of A.W. Tozer; Knowledge of the Holy, where we discussed the attributes of God. The main thing that stood out for me from Tozer's work, was that because God is infinite, His attributes are also infinite, in number and magnitude. And also God doesn't "have" attributes, He is His attributes. God doesn't have the attribute of Love, Kindness, Patience... He is love, He is Kind, He is Patience.
Of course no biblical discussion would be complete without the sidetracking. Also covered was the never-possible-to-truly-comprehend idea of predestination and free will. Did Judas Iscariot have a choice in betraying Jesus? Someone had to do it if God had prophesied right? If he hadn't done it, Jesus wouldn't be able to fulfill His destiny and save mankind. Why did God create Him for this purpose? How could a loving God create someone knowing they would be destined for Hell? Although the answer is not easy, it starts with realizing that the choice was still Judas' to make. We cannot blame God for Judas' actions any more than we can blame our parents for our actions. Even when our parents know what we are about to do, the responsibility still falls on us.
Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Shall not take the Lord's name in vain
In Exodus 39:30 the priests were given a crown with the inscription "Holy to the Lord". Imagine walking around with the something like that on your forehead all day! You would essentially be claiming to be a servant of God. You would be in a sense "representing God's name". If that's the case, everything you say, everything you do, even everything you think about, you do in God's name.
You shall not take the Lord's name in vain. Do your actions, speech, and thoughts defile God's name?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Recession and Redundancy
And several months on from when my company decided to go to a 4 day working week, the boss announced that the company has reached a critical state. He was quoted as saying "The past few months were spent trying to save jobs but now we need to save the company". Basically 15 cuts across the company need to be made and my department had been the most unprofitable. So how can an employee who loves his job help the company? I understand my boss' situation, if we don't make cuts the whole company will go down, and he's been trying his hardest to keep jobs for the past 4 months.
How has your company reacted in these economically troubling times? What ideas have you got for cutting costs and raising revenue?
Another interesting thought crossed my mind... If Jesus was in my situation, what would he do? There is very little written in the Bible of His time spent as a carpenter, but I wonder whether He encountered a recession? Did He need to work longer hours and find creative ways to earn an income? Was He as anxious as us worrying about where His next meal will come from?
Stormtrooper Cubee
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How to Build a PC

I assembled my computer from parts, as this gives you far more control over exactly what components you use and you are able to build precisely the computer you want. Sometimes you can get cheaper package deals but I found that the brands are often “cheaper” and even the same component can come in many “flavours” for example the VanTec 500W power supply comes with a larger 13.5” fan providing a quieter solution, and it has sleeved cabling and easy-clip-on plugs.
After you have assembled all your parts and made sure everything is there and in order, you should start reading the instructions. Start with the case, and the motherboard, and move onto the CPU. Connect up the motherboard onto the case first (this is the hardest part and will differ significantly depending on your case) Once you have that sorted, stick the CPU and Heat Sink onto the motherboard. Your CPU should come with a standard Heat Sink. Next if you haven’t already, you will need to hook up all the jumpers and cables from the case onto the motherboard.
Once you finish that step, it’s all downhill. Connect up the RAM, the power supply, the Optical drives and Hard Disk Drives, the Graphics Card. And you’re good to go.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Thinking about this PC Build...
INTEL CORE 2 DUO E8400 3.00GHZ 6MB 1333MHZ 45NM LGA775